![Cumberland Trace Church of Christ (Formerly Lehman Ave Church of Christ)](https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/92p6wh/IMG_1973.jpg)
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
"Things We Must Not Forget" by Hiram Kemp
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
August 25, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon
Things We Must Not Forget - Hiram Kemp
- The Goodness of God - (Deut. 6:12, 8:11-19)
- How to never forget his goodness
- Remember his marvelous works - (Psa. 105:5)
- Tell others of his goodness - (Psa. 107:2, Isa. 63:7)
- Know promises to bless are as true as promises to curse - (Jer. 32:42)
- Give God the credit he is due - (2 Cor. 9:15)
- Observe the Lord's Supper sincerely - (1 Cor. 11:26-29)
- Stand in awe not in entitlement - (2 Sam. 7:18)
- The Word of God - (James 1:25)
- Showing Hospitality - (Hebrews 13:2)
- Those Who Have Helped You - (Genesis 40:23, 41:9)
- Warnings About False Teachers - (Acts 20:29-31)
- The Gospel - (1 Timothy 2:8)
- Life Without Christ - (Ephesians 2:11-13)
- How to never forget his goodness
Duration 42:31
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
"4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable" by Neal Pollard
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
August 25, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon
4 Lessons from a Rarely Studied Parable (Mark 13:28-31)
Neal Pollard
A. The Gospel Of __________ Was Written During A ___________ Time in the Roman
Empire (About _____________ AD)
B. In the Midst of Mark 13, There Is a Parable About a Budding _______________ Tree
I. THE __________________ AND _____________________ OF THE PARABLE (1-27)
A. Jesus Lays Out The ________________ Signs (7-8, 22)
B. In the New Testament, the _________ Of ________ Is The ______ Army (Lk24:15)
C. ____________ Would No Longer Be a Place of Unique ____________ Significance
II. THE _________________ OF THE PARABLE (28-31)
A. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Learn Its Lesson")
B. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Near" Refers To ________)
C. The ________________ Of the Parable ("Truly")
III. THE _________________ Of the Parable (28-31)
A. God Made Us with the ________________ To Draw Deductions and He Holds Us
_____________________ To Do So (28)
1. When we look at ______________ or when we examine _________________ (28)
B. God Expects Us to Be _________ __________ (29)
C. Some Things Are __________, But Some Things Are ___________ (30-31)
D. God's Faithfulness to Keep His ______ Can Be An _________ Or A _________ (31)
A. This Parable Is About Preparing for God's ______________
Duration 33:04
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Hebrews by Harry Potter Part 12
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
August 25, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class
This quarter Neal and Harry conduct a class studying the book of Hebrews.
- Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1-2
- Why is Jesus Better? (1:1-4)
- Because of what he has said (1:1-2)
- The Source of his Message is divine
- Because of who he is (1:2-3)
- He is Heir (2): We get access to everything the Fater gives through His heir!
- He is Creator (2; 11:3)
- He is Deity (1:3)
- Meaning... He's the radiance of His glory
- He's the exact representation of His nature (EXACT DUPLICATE)
- He is Sustainer (1:3)
- Because of what He's Done (1:3)
- Because of where He is (1:3)
- He is reigning with God
- Jesus is Better than the Angels (1:4-2:18)
- The ancient world held angels in high regard!
- Angel worship already troubled the early church (Col. 2:18)
- The Angels are not God's Son, but Jesus is - (1:5)
- Hebrews quotes the Old Testament about 40 times (second only to Romans)
- Psalm 2:7; 2 Samuel 7:14
- As a class, angels are called " sons of God" (Job) but no one of them is called "Son of God"
- Jesus has received a better name than the angels
- The angels are not to be worshipped, but Jesus is - (1:6)
- Deuteronomy 32:43 (Septuagint or LXX)
- Whenever anyone tries to worship the angels, they are quick to disrupt it (Revelation 19:10)
- The angels are not deity, but Jesus is - (1:7-12)
- Psalm 104:4
- Angels aren't rulers; They are followers
- Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27
- The angels are not exalted and enthroned, but Jesus is - (1:13-14)
- Psalm 110:1
- The angels are not over the world to come but Jesus is - (2:1-13)
- Hebrews 2:1-4 is not a digression from the subject, but a conclusion to chapter one
- There are two dangers in ignoring Jesus and his message:
- Drifting (2:1)
- Neglecting His Word (2:2-4)
- The writer quotes Psalm 8:4-6
- It's ironic that the way for Christ to reign over the world to come is by being made lower than the angels for a little while in in this world
- Based on these five reasons, God doesn't help angels, but He does help "the offspring of Abraham" (2:14-18)
- He helps us:
- He destroys the devil's power over us (2:14)
- He delivers us from spiritual slavery (2:15)
- He discharged our spiritual debt (2:17)
- He devotes Himself to our assistance (2:18)
Duration 42:42
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
"The Family Nature of The Church" by Neal Pollard
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
August 18, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon
The Family Nature of The Church (Col. 3:12-17)
Neal Pollard
- "Family" - (Acts 17:26)
- "Household" - (1 Timothy 3:15)
- We must have a heart for one another - (12-13)
- There are five qualities of this heart
- Compassion
- Kindness
- Humility
- Gentleness
- Patience
- There are two consequences of this heart
- It bears with one another
- It forgives one another
- There is one big motivation for having this kind of heart
- We must have love for one another - (14)
- We must have peace with one another - (15)
- This peace must come from Christ
- This peace must rule our hearts
- This peace called us in one body
- We must have a guide for our dealings with one another - (16-17)
- We have a guide for how to let the word of Christ dwell in us - (16)
- How do we do so?
- What do we do to do so?
- To whom do we do so?
- We have a guide for what to do in word or deed
- Families are always working to build a stronger relationship
Duration 33:22
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
"When You Lose Heart, How Can You Find It?" by Neal Pollard
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
August 18, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon
When You Lose Heart, How Can You Find It?
Neal Pollard
A. There Are At Least _______ Verbs Translated "Lose _________" Or "______
B. When You Lose Heart, How Can You Find It?
I. _____________ (Luke 18:1)
II. ________ ON YOUR ____________ (2 Cor. 4:1)
III. _______ THE ________ (2 Cor. 4:16)
IV. DO ___________ (Gal. 6:9-10)
V. RECOGNIZE YOUR ________ IN THE __________ (Eph. 3:8-13)
VI. ________ YOUR _____________ (2 Th. 3:13)
VII. CONSIDER ___________ (Heb. 12:3)
Duration 33:38
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Hebrews by Neal Pollard Part 11
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
August 18, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class
This quarter Neal and Harry conduct a class studying the book of Hebrews.
- Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1-2
- Why is Jesus Better? (1:1-4)
- Because of what he has said (1:1-2)
- The Source of his Message is divine
- Because of who he is (1:2-3)
- He is Heir (2): We get access to everything the Fater gives through His heir!
- He is Creator (2; 11:3)
- He is Deity (1:3)
- Meaning... He's the radiance of His glory
- He's the exact representation of His nature (EXACT DUPLICATE)
- He is Sustainer (1:3)
- Because of what He's Done (1:3)
- Because of where He is (1:3)
- He is reigning with God
- Jesus is Better than the Angels (1:4-2:18)
- The ancient world held angels in high regard!
- Angel worship already troubled the early church (Col. 2:18)
- The Angels are not God's Son, but Jesus is - (1:5)
- Hebrews quotes the Old Testament about 40 times (second only to Romans)
- Psalm 2:7; 2 Samuel 7:14
- As a class, angels are called " sons of God" (Job) but no one of them is called "Son of God"
- Jesus has received a better name than the angels
- The angels are not to be worshipped, but Jesus is - (1:6)
- Deuteronomy 32:43 (Septuagint or LXX)
- Whenever anyone tries to worship the angels, they are quick to disrupt it (Revelation 19:10)
- The angels are not deity, but Jesus is - (1:7-12)
- Psalm 104:4
- Angels aren't rulers; They are followers
- Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27
- The angels are not exalted and enthroned, but Jesus is - (1:13-14)
- Psalm 110:1
- The angels are not over the world to come but Jesus is - (2:1-13)
- Hebrews 2:1-4 is not a digression from the subject, but a conclusion to chapter one
- There are two dangers in ignoring Jesus and his message:
- Drifting (2:1)
- Neglecting His Word (2:2-4)
- The writer quotes Psalm 8:4-6
- It's ironic that the way for Christ to reign over the world to come is by being made lower than the angels for a little while in in this world
- Based on these five reasons, God doesn't help angels, but He does help "the offspring of Abraham" (2:14-18)
- He helps us:
- He destroys the devil's power over us (2:14)
- He delivers us from spiritual slavery (2:15)
- He discharged our spiritual debt (2:17)
- He devotes Himself to our assistance (2:18)
Duration 45:20
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
"7 Things Christians Should Say This Week" by Hiram Kemp
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
August 11, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon
7 Things Christians Should Say This Week - Hiram Kemp
- I Love you - (3 John 1)
- “We try to be reasonable about what we believe. What I believe is not reasonable at all. It’s hilariously impossible.”
– Madeline L’Engle
- “We try to be reasonable about what we believe. What I believe is not reasonable at all. It’s hilariously impossible.”
- I'm praying for you - (Romans 1:9-10)
- Pray for me - (1 Thess. 5:25)
- Can we study? - (Acts 8:30-31)
- Open Mouth
- Open Bible
- Open Mind
- Come and see - (John 1:46; 4:29)
- I'm sorry - (Psalm 38:8; James 5:16)
- Amen - (2 Cor. 1:20)
“In short, God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knew.”
- Tim Keller, Prayer and Intimacy with God
Duration 33:26
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
August 11, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon
Church Discipline: The Responsibility of the Family
Matthew 18:15-20
Hiram Kemp
I. _____________ Correction (Matthew 18:15)
II. ____________ & _____________ of _______________ (Matthew 18:16)
III. _______________ from the _____________ ____________ (Matthew 18:17)
IV. _______________ God in ________________ (Matthew 18:18-20)
Church Discipline: Reasons Why God's Family Must Do This
(1 Corinthians 5)
Neal Pollard
I. To keep a proper _______________ of ________ (2)
II. To ___________ a soul at the _____________ (4-5)
III. To prevent __________________ (6-8)
IV. To __________ associations (9-11)
V. To practice _________________ (12-13)
A. There is ____________ times more said About church discipline than the ________________'s ___________________
B. It must be done with the right ________, but it still must be ___________
Duration 45:52
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Hebrews by Neal Pollard Part 10
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
August 11, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class
This quarter Neal and Harry conduct a class studying the book of Hebrews.
- Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1-2
- Why is Jesus Better? (1:1-4)
- Because of what he has said (1:1-2)
- The Source of his Message is divine
- Because of who he is (1:2-3)
- He is Heir (2): We get access to everything the Fater gives through His heir!
- He is Creator (2; 11:3)
- He is Deity (1:3)
- Meaning... He's the radiance of His glory
- He's the exact representation of His nature (EXACT DUPLICATE)
- He is Sustainer (1:3)
- Because of what He's Done (1:3)
- Because of where He is (1:3)
- He is reigning with God
- Jesus is Better than the Angels (1:4-2:18)
- The ancient world held angels in high regard!
- Angel worship already troubled the early church (Col. 2:18)
- The Angels are not God's Son, but Jesus is - (1:5)
- Hebrews quotes the Old Testament about 40 times (second only to Romans)
- Psalm 2:7; 2 Samuel 7:14
- As a class, angels are called " sons of God" (Job) but no one of them is called "Son of God"
- Jesus has received a better name than the angels
- The angels are not to be worshipped, but Jesus is - (1:6)
- Deuteronomy 32:43 (Septuagint or LXX)
- Whenever anyone tries to worship the angels, they are quick to disrupt it (Revelation 19:10)
- The angels are not deity, but Jesus is - (1:7-12)
- Psalm 104:4
- Angels aren't rulers; They are followers
- Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27
- The angels are not exalted and enthroned, but Jesus is - (1:13-14)
- Psalm 110:1
- The angels are not over the world to come but Jesus is - (2:1-13)
- Hebrews 2:1-4 is not a digression from the subject, but a conclusion to chapter one
- There are two dangers in ignoring Jesus and his message:
- Drifting (2:1)
- Neglecting His Word (2:2-4)
- The writer quotes Psalm 8:4-6
- It's ironic that the way for Christ to reign over the world to come is by being made lower than the angels for a little while in in this world
- Based on these five reasons, God doesn't help angels, but He does help "the offspring of Abraham" (2:14-18)
- He helps us:
- He destroys the devil's power over us (2:14)
- He delivers us from spiritual slavery (2:15)
- He discharged our spiritual debt (2:17)
- He devotes Himself to our assistance (2:18)
Duration 42:26
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
"Love your neighbor" by Neal Pollard
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
August 4, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon
Love your neighbor
- What does loving our neighbor look like?
- Paying a debt - (Romans 13:8-10)
- Pay forward the debt we owed but couldn't pay
- What does it mean to perish?
- It means to go to hell
- It means to be lost
- It means to lose one's soul
- It means to lose one's self
- It means to be destroyed
- Rendering a Service - (Galatians 5:13-14)
- It leads us to restore a fallen neighbor
- We do this work spiritually
- We do this work gently
- We do this work introspectively
- It leads us to bear our neighbor's burdens
- Showing impartiality - (James 2:8-13)
- What does God say about the poor and needy?
- God chose them
- God sees them as rich
- God sees them as his heirs
"I remember," says C.S. Lewis, "Christian teachers telling me long ago that I must hate a bad man's actions, but not hate the bad man: or, as they would say hate the sin but not the sinner. For a long time, I used to think this a silly straw-splitting distinction: how could you hate what a man did and not hate the man? But years later it occurred to me that there was one man to whom I had been doing this all my life - namely myself. However much I might dislike my own cowardice or conceit or greed, I went on loving myself. There had never been the slightest difficulty about it."
Duration 12:50